Following local girl Emily Murray (The Pink House) on instagram we realised she had a passion for colourful, fun and beautiful design. A look that shouldn’t be compromised in any way, at all, just because your home has been overtaken by a tribe of small people.
We connected and she loved our rugs so we have teamed up to do a photoshoot. Here are some pics…. Please note these are our pics are our own, snapped on iPhones, not the fabulous interiors photographer, Susie Lowe’s!
Raika Rug at Pinkhouse photoshoot
Susie Lowe @slowe_photo working her magic
Wendy and Emily ‘styling’ the bar.
‘Enchanted Wood’ waiting to be photographed under the watchful eye of Wendy.
Follow The Pink House (instagram: @pinkhouseliving and twitter: @pinkhousechats) to find out her take on the relationship between fabulous, luxury rugs and normal, busy family households over the forthcoming months.