Our custom rug service

Our aim is to create rugs that our customers absolutely adore. We want you to find a rug that makes your room feel special and complete, and adds a little bit of joy every time you look at it, which is why we offer a Custom Rug Service.

Why should you choose a custom rug?

A custom rug is designed specifically for a particular space. Whether that requires a larger or different-shaped rug, or a tweak to the colour or design elements, we can create a rug that is perfect for your home.

Working with small workshops and talented artisans in India and Nepal means we are not tied to mass-market production schedules. We have the time and creativity to customise individual hand-made rugs, which opens up a world of exciting possibilities.

Size and lead time

The majority of our can be reproduced as a runner or circular rug too. Essentially, this is a service that provides our customers with exactly the right rug for them - the very piece that will complete their home.

The lead time of a custom hand tufted rug is approximately 16 weeks.

Whereas the lead time of the extremely labour-intensive process of hand-knotting requires a lead time of approximately 5-6 months.

Please be aware that for larger and more complex projects the lead time may be longer.

Custom Rug Enquiry

To enquire about a custom rug, please complete the below form with your details and a member of our team will get back to you. 

Alternatively you can contact us on info@wendymorrisondesign.com or +44 (0)20 4553 0333